Welcome to Das Industries
The Company is professionally managed by Mr. Satish Marwaha (Chemical Engineer from Punjab University). He is been in the field of Engineering since 1975 and is a director in SAVI Engineers Pvt. Ltd. New Delhi.
Solvent Extraction Plant
Oil Refining Plant
Cattle Feed Plant
Material Handling System
Preparatory Section Machinery
Extractor Internals
Das Industries is one of the leading engineering firms, operating since 1982 and specializes in the field of solvent extraction plants.
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The Company is professionally managed by Mr. Satish Marwaha (Chemical Engineer from Punjab University). He is been in the field of Engineering since 1975 and is a director in SAVI Engineers Pvt. Ltd. New Delhi.
We have hundreds of satisfied clients all over the world.
Our clients are :
M/s G.H. Agro Products (P) Ltd. Amritsar - 350 tons per day
M/s Sea Hawk Agro. (Aurangabad) - 300 tons Per day
M/s J.R. Agro Tech Pvt. Ltd., Dina nagar (Pb.) - 200 tons per day
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Nunc varius mauris leo, ut facilisis orci. Praesent vehicula, lectus id condimentum suscipit, ipsum mauris vulputate elit, quis auctor turpis magna fringilla justo.
Copyright © 2014 Das Industries